My friend Pastor C Charles Johnson of Temple of Prayer will be my guest on Focus on the Church this weekend. C Charles and I go back to the days of WUGR 1250 AM The Light. He was the afternoon announcer and I kept the computers running. CC moved here 10 years ago to start a church. Shortly after arriving he was Ed Wright’s guest on Focus on the Church. It’s only fitting that we visit with him to commemorate his and the church’s 10 year anniversary in Lexington, KY. Tune in to hear how God has been working in his life, and growing the church.
Don't miss Focus on the Church this weekend:
Life 99.1 FM WJMM
Saturday 6:30a, 2:00p
Sunday 8:30a, 5:30p
Saturday 9:00a
We're looking for pastors to introduce to our audience. Call Dana Jones @ 264-9700 x230.